Affair Counseling
Carmel Indiana & Oviedo Florida
Our counselors have helped thousands of individuals and couples manage the trauma of an affair in a way that leads to healing and growth. Their counseling is appropriate for couples who want to restore their relationships and for individuals who do not have cooperating spouses.
Central Indiana Counseling With over 25 years of counseling experience and specializing in affair healing work, Tim Tedder, a licensed counselor and author of this website, provides licensed in-office counseling for affair recovery to individuals and couples in Indiana. His Indiana office is located in Carmel, just a few miles north of downtown Indianapolis.
Central Florida Counseling After completing her masters degree in Marriage & Family Therapy, Jennifer Gingras joined the Affair Healing counseling team, counseling individuals and couples through the affair recovery process. Jennifer owns and operates Selah Therapy & Consultation Services in Oviedo, Florida and offers in-office counseling there.
What Clients Say...I thought I would thank you again for helping us get our marriage back on track. I don’t think there is anyone else we could have worked with that [my husband] would have been as responsive and openly emotional with as he was with you. We were destined (divinely, I am sure) to find you... Your counseling was invaluable.You were not just a counselor but a guide and resource at a time I really needed it. I tell people about you all the time and would recommend you highly to anyone considering counseling and especially during the crisis recovery period. This has been a very difficult year for my husband and I with many issues. However, through it all Tim has been there for us. He has been such a supportive counselor and has shown us just how much he cares about us. His guidance, care, and concern have been beyond what I could have ever hoped for when we started with him. |
Copyright ©2009-2022, Tim Tedder, LMHC, NCC & contributing authors. Content on this site cannot be used or reproduced without permission. is a resource of Currents Services, LLC.